About Us
BRG Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is a fast-growing Company. We are the Manufacturers of car care, bike care, industrial, and home care product. The Quality Management System of BRG Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is aligned to ISO 9001: 2015 and is implemented and maintained in the Organization. BRG Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. indulged in the manufacturing of a superior and wide range of Car Care Products with the brand name "EURO GOLD SUPER", we are a leading and fast-growing company established in the year 2000. We accept all the challenges and market competition and make our products more competitive in the market. We believe in customer satisfaction that's why we manufacture such products where in customers should get full satisfaction after using our product. We manufacture such products which deliver the best result in the market, are easy to use, fast & effective, look good, smell good, clean and protect, and prolong and enhance the appearance of your Car and Bikes.